View Airports

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The View Airport page will give you useful information on the airlines active at that airport, and the incoming and outgoing flights on the airport.

The page content

Departures and Arrivals

Located on the left side is a list of all departing and arriving flights to and from the selected airport. This will give you an overview of your own flights and competitor's flights, before creating them. It's also good to know that, when the Departures heading is empty, it means that no airlines have created a focus city at the airport.


On the right-hand top of the page, you'll see a small navigation bar. This bar allows you to cycle between several useful views. When you click Rent Gate, you will have the ability to rent gates (you can input the number of gates you want to rent as well) at the airport you're viewing. The Display Map button will display a map, showing all incoming and outgoing flights from the airport. The last button, Display Market Share Chart, is currently not functional. Please note the tabs will only show in Firefox.

Market Situation

On the right side, under the tabs, you'll find a table displaying all airlines serving the airport, the percentage of seats (i.e. passengers) they fly to and from the airport, the number of gates they have rented, and the utilization of these gates. The utilization shows you how much slots the airline is actually using, and how much slots are free.