Admin Panel
The Admin Panel shows you most of the things necessary to manage your game account.
Password Changes
This section allows you to change the password used to login to the game (note that the forum uses a different account, and therefore a different password). Type your new password and click the button, and you'll be able to login using your new pass.
Airline Brand
Here, you can change the name of your airline and the short code. To do this, click here and fill in the new names to rename your airline.
Meal & Drinks Prices
Those prices serve no actual purpose at this time, but when they will, you'll be able to determine the prices your airline charges for meals and drinks on board. You can change the prices right now, but it won't actually change your profits in any way.
Airline ID
This section shows your airline ID. You cannot change this number, as the game needs it to identify your airline.
Mail Centre
Here, you can send and recieve mail to and from other airlines. You can also see if you've got unopened mail. (If you have, the game will show you after logging in, by moving a link to the message from the left to the right side of your screen, just under the navigation bar.) First, open the mail centre. From here, you'll see your incoming messages. Click Send message and select an airline in the dropdown menu to send a message to that airline.
Notifications Set
This is another section that's currently not working, but when it is, you'll be able to select events that will trigger an email message, sent to the address you used to register.
Route Map
Clicking this will show the route map for all routes served by your airline. This is the same map you'll see when checking your airline in the rankings.